The only Constant is Change

ISP_BrainSynapseSome time ago I started Cognitions Business Coaching, working with companies and executives to get the best out of themselves and their organisations, using cognitive-behavioural strategies. I realised early that the only constant around was that of change and that our ability to change would make us stand out from the crowd.

Passion for Coaching

For years I have had a passion for coaching people and their organisations to achieve their goals as fast and as effortlessly as possible.  Working with someone to help them achieve their goals makes that success even more likely.  Often the effects can be dramatic, both on the person themselves and the people around them and with practise, the effects are long-lasting.

The dynamics of the workplace, of career management, handling conflict, managing staff, creating growth strategies, managing risk – the challenges are limitless and as individuals and organisations we can respond to these in positive or negative ways.  The response that we make will dictate the direction that we and our businesses will go in. Growth or decline.  Just look at the way that negative behaviours have impacted on the scandal in the UK about Members of Parliament (MP) Expenses or on the global financial crisis.

Simply put, our behaviour depends on what is going on in our heads.  Change our cognitions, positively and positive behaviour will result.

Change Strategies

Cognitions uses a well established model, well-known in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and brings it into the business domain, using the skills of experienced coaches and trainers.  The model is robust yet sophisticated.  Understanding your cognitions and changing them to positive ones helps to improve business decisions and brings a whole new meaning to business intelligence.

So whether it’s a sales-team struggling to break into a new area, a manager faced with the challenge of merging two groups of staff, research & development being pushed to launch a product early or a chief executive handling the demands of his Board.  Developing cogent, reproducible and proven psychological strategies help to achieve these goals faster and easier than if they had to do it alone.  Brainwork!

The Power of Partnership