We are QI Consulting Limited operating under the trade names of Cognitions and QI Consulting. We are a Leadership Development and Coaching professional services company operating in both the consultancy as well as the design and delivery of leadership development programmes suited for different levels of business from first time leaders, managers, C-suite and upto Board level. We make a difference in the adult learning space.

We move the dial positively on Leadership for Social Sustainability. We help our clients grow their confidence in their people-leadership capabilities both operationally and strategically and improve the well-being and prosperity of themselves, their workforce and stakeholders in their supply chains and communities.

Our Services include consulting on leadership challenges, organisational cultural issues, employee engagement barriers, competencies, behaviours, motivation, opportunities, psychometric assessments, individual and group coaching and design and development of learning interventions for tailored leadership programmes.

Our values guide the way we run our business and provide services to our clients:

  • Engaging – approachable, collaborative, helpful, easy to work with, flexible
  • Enabling – we are your partners, purposeful, objective-driven and collaborative
  • Enhancing – a thriving working culture, meaningful work, valuing people and improving lives.


We are committed to:

  • Ensuring the safety of our employees, associates, clients and anyone else affected by our business activities and programmes.
  • Carrying out suitable and sufficient risk assessments in advance which identify, manage and reduce risks to the stakeholders and environment.
  • Preventing work related injury and ill health – and investigating and learning when things go wrong.
  • Fulfilling our legal and compliance obligations in the region where we operate.
  • Providing safe work environments as well as suitable welfare facilities.
  • Providing safe equipment and systems of work.
  • Providing information and instruction to our employees and associates as needed.
  • Empowering our employees to raise any health and safety concerns without fear and repercussions and learning from them.
  • Establishing and continually improving a health and safety management system which supports our business continuity.
  • Leadership and commitment to mental health at work, for example by integrating 6 standards of mental health at work into relevant policies and behaviours.


This policy is communicated to all our employees and associates, whilst being available to other interested parties on our website. This policy is reviewed annually by the Directors to ensure that it remains appropriate to our strategic direction and business continuity.