Have we forgotten how to Recognise Real Risk?

coast guard during stormAfter reading again Dan Gardener’s book ‘Risk’  I notice more, as I work with organisations, how often ‘gut’ feeling can often overide ‘reason’ in business decisions.  In his book, Gardner suggests that our ‘gut-feelings are often wrong and that  they reside more in the unconscious mind, whilst reason is associated with the conscious mind – what he calls System 1 and System 2.

In business coaching we talk about limiting beliefs/behaviours and empowering beliefs or behaviours and that the gap between the two is evidence.  In cognitive behavioural psychology, the difference between unhelpful and helpful behaviour is, once again, evidence – which shows that the use of more resourceful behaviours are much more likely to produce improved peformance than unresourceful behaviours.

Similarly, bringing important decisions out of the realms of the unconscious into conscious reality are more likely to  provide a more evidence-based approach to behaviour management in business and inevitably leading to improved performance.

Engaging our minds to make more informed decisions.

Risk: The Science & Politics of Fear, Dan Gardner. Virgin Books 2008

The Power of Partnership
