Frustration-tolerance marks out the winners from the losers

Businessman has stress and sreams into mobile phoneThe ability to tolerate frustration, to be patient for the final reward, to use educated head-work rather than knee-jerk guesswork, in fact to be flexible and non-dogmatic may well put you in pole position for success in business, in relationships and in life as a whole.

Few of us remember the demands we made as three year old for the latest toy, a bag of sweets or to watch a television programme; some of us were very succesful at manipulating, cajoling, screaming to get our own way, others less so but perhaps no less satisfied in the long run.

One of the areas that shows how we mark the path to success in many areas is our ability to tolerate frustration and our response when we do or don’t get our own way.  The choice of ‘instant sunshine’ or ‘slowly slowly catchee monkey’ will eventually define whether we are, as people,  resourceful, healthy and rational in our choices or unresourceful, unhealthy and irrational in our demands.  Low frustration-tolerance can lead to people making fast & risky decisions, being judgemental about other people and a potential negative performance.  High frustration-tolerance personalities will bide their time, make calculated decisions, with much less emotion and with a more favourable outcome

Cognitive-behavioural coaching helps people & businesses to see that they have choices and that the most resourceful and performant people diplay a higher level of high-frustration tolerance.  It doesn’t mean that these people are any less hungry for success, any less driven or indeed any less motivated.  It simply means that they are in it for the end-game.  Are you a just starter or a committed finisher?

Work on building up your ability to tolerate frustration and be a winner!

The Power of Partnership