
“I’m a INTJ.”  “I’m an ENFP.”

Assessments are not labels but often treated as such. We have seen time and again that standalone assessments without being backedup by professionally qualified coaching and mentoring conversations has resulted in leaders knowing their preferred natural style without it forming the basis for personal and career development, improvement in communication or behaviour with others.

We use assessments as a part of development, having an understanding where using a particular type of assessment creates value and where the scope and validity of its usage as a tool will benefit the client and organisation.

Apart from using online assessments related to Personal Strengths and Emotional Intelligence, our coaches specialise in assessing and providing specific and detailed coaching feedback on 4 psychometrics:


DISC Profiling is a personality assessment that measures the difference between ones natural style of leadership behaviour compared to the behavioural mask they use at work. Our coaches work closely with clients to help understand how their strengths are being utilised with others, what differences between the natural and mask helps and hinders their personal resilience and relationships and how they can leverage other identified traits to reduce cognitive dissonance (the stress caused by behaving differently from their natural style) and identify new career/role opportunities.

Motivational Maps is not a personality profile which is more or less fixed for a person. This focusses on what an indivudal or team ‘wants to do’ rather than on what they ‘can do’. Skills can be taught but performance only happens if people want to. Our coaches use Motivational Maps to create conversations around natural motivations of a person, their internal tensions of motivations and how to get the best out of others by influencing others around their motivations.

Our coaches work with team culture to understand the make-up of motivational drivers, identify gaps and tensions and build engagement and trust by modifying language and sometimes allocating roles to people based on their preferred motivation state. This helps to create high performing teams sooner than if they were to do it alone.

Hogan Assessments are deep personality assessments based on psychological rigour and is used for very high value individuals and assignments. It is a preferred psychometric by C-suite executives, Board members and high value individuals. It identifies drivers of dysfunctional behaviours, helpful strengths, motivations, values and preferences and requires the individual to have many years of work experience, emotional maturity and personal awareness. The depth and complexity of interpretation means that only Hogan qualified coaches can do justice in providing feedback and coaching individuals around Hogan.

Harthill Leadership is a vertical Leadership development Tool used to assess where the person is on the scale from Expert to Strategist and Alchemist. This tool can be used for first time leaders upto Senior leaders to help understand how their thinking, beliefs and behaviour have evolved from a self-focussed leader into the Systemic change leader. It can be used across organisations to help identify people who are already in the mindset of evolving beyond their Expert roles towards more Management and Strategic business roles. The feedback from the assessment when provided by a Harthill qualified coach will lead to opportunities for career progression and how they could build their organisational reputation. It is used extensively in technical expertise focussed sectors.